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文章来源: 学大教育 作者: zz 发布时间:2018-03-05 14:39 阅读:
高二是英语科目的紧要的时刻,英语并非一门光靠知识点来学习好的,这也是一门语言,而学习好英语的可以路子就为多练题,学大教育的小编将为朋友们举行高二英语知识点选择题汇总,留心学大教育有2种选择,一方面学大教育官网:http://www.xuex.cn;第二个就是免金钱询问座机:0108 5346 154;高二英语知识点选择题汇总您往下面持续看:
     Does your teen spend all of his or her free time playing video games, talking on the phone or hanging out with friends that don’t really meet with your approval? Is your son or daughter always asking you for money? Perhaps it’s time to tell your teen to get a job. You might disagree by asking “But he’s still in school and if he gets a job his schoolwork might suffer.” Does he have a cell phone or want one? Are you going to buy it? Are you going to pay the monthly phone bill? If you are, that’s your choice but it might not be the best way to teach your teen responsibility. Helping kids out on the path to adulthood is teaching them to be independent, but buying them whatever they want and paying the bills for them is the first step in creating a dependent adult. This process is often referred to as enabling. You might ask, “Enabling them to do what?” The answer is enabling them to depend on others throughout their lives rather than themselves. Teaching them to be self-supporting is the best alternative. Parents may argue that it is their responsibility to support their children and it is true that as parents it is our responsibility to suit the needs of our children until they reach legal age but part of responsible parenting is preparing our children to be responsible and self-supporting as they move into adulthood. When teens get their own jobs it gives them a sense of achievement. It also helps keep them out of trouble since they have less time to be tempted(诱惑) by peer pressure. They are making their own money, which allows them to make purchases such as cell phones and pay the bill on their own rather than depending on their parents. Allowing them to pay their own bills also gives them a chance to get to know the world of adulthood. All too often, teens view adulthood from the view of being old enough to drive and drink but they overlook such aspects of adulthood as working, paying bills, saving money and managing expenses responsibly. When your teen gets a job you should encourage him or her to open a bank account with the first paycheck. It may be best to suggest a savings account at first since balancing a checkbook may lead to problems for those who are not conservative spenders. Encourage your teen to spend money wisely. Believe it or not, it really does make a difference to them when they’re spending their own money rather than yours.
     1.The purpose of the first paragraph is ________.
     A. To point out a serious phenomenon B. To complain about careless parents C. To tell what kids are doing nowadays D. To raise the topic by asking questions
     2.In the second paragraph, the underlined word “it” refers to ________. A. teaching your teen to be independent B. meeting the needs of your teen C. buying a cell phone for your teen D. paying your teen’s phone bill
     3.The author wants to _______ through this article.
     A. persuade teens to spend money wisely B. advise parents to help teens be independent C. suggest teens being independent early D. encourage parents to be more responsible
     4.It can be learned from the passage that _______ .
     A. it is very important for teens to be self-supporting B. nowadays teens are more dependent on their parents C. it is very important for teens to balance a bank account D. teens often hope to have more freedom just like adults
     格外感谢您一直开办以来对学大教育的赞成,在今后的路途上现在的会做到愈来越好,育出中国的教育中心,现在有免费试听课,接待您和您本身孩子一同进行,只要便捷的情况而言希望您告知身边兄弟姐妹朋友们,我在强调一声学大教育官方网页:http://www.xuex.cn还需免金钱询问座机:0108 5346 154,真心期望您本身莅临!

