1, 相似排除
-Why has James chosen to do a case study on the company Furniture Rossi?
A. It has enjoyed global success
B. It is still in a development phase
C. It is an example of a foreign company being rebranded for Australia.
音频‘Furniture Rossi is an Australian company, got plans to expand into foreign markets…’虽然音频中出现了选项c中的部分原词,但是表达的句义与c选项并不相同;‘aiming to build a global brand…’,出现A选项原词,句义不符。答案句 ‘it is gong through a transition…’,transition与development phase构成替换。
2, 时态排除
常见过去时路标词:was/were, V+ed…thought, use to, in the past…
常见将来时路标词:plan/intend to do sth, thinking to, aiming to, next time…
-The entertainment will be a
A. Live band
B. Comedian
C. Magician
音频‘we were expecting a live band…we had hoped that the resident magician who worked here through the summer would be able to help out but they were not keen on the idea…’由音频可知A和C选项都为过去时,可以通过时态法进行排除。
3, 并列排除
-Local newspapers have raised worries about
A. The late opening date
B. The cost of the project
C. The size of the facilities
音频‘also, just in case you were wondering, we’re on schedule for June 15th opening date and well within budget…’其中on schedule对应A选项,within budget对应B选项,两句由and连接,可知答案为C。
在剑五的test1 section2当中,介绍对各个品牌的婴儿床的评价,表格的最右栏出现一个单词verdict,有些同学是不认识这个单词的,读题时觉得很恐惧,可是大家想一想,这个表格一个四栏,前面三个已经分别讲述了婴儿床的品牌名称,优点及存在问题,那最后一栏一定一个总结性的信息。
简单地说,这种品牌的婴儿床值不值得。因此,即使你不知道verdict是裁定、审定的意思,也没关系,只要你知道最后这一栏应该填上说话人对于各品牌的主观态度、综合评价即可。那么这道题是很简单的,除了自己推断这个方法以外,大家还可以根据读音锁定答案,原因是录音材料中并没有进行代换,退一步说,即使代换了另一个考生不认识的词,也没关系,反正我们牢记我们要抓的是主观综合评价,即可锁定satisfactory,dangerous和best buy这三个答案。
在剑四的test3 section2当中,是以为女士向大家介绍一个summer festival的活动内容,其中第十四题选择题,问到了某个马戏团将在什么地方为大家演出,一共三个选项,theatre, tent和stadium,都不是很难。问题是后面的录音当中,正确答案tent被代换成了一个较为生僻的单词:marquee,大部分同学都这个词都没有印象,答案在it followed a long tradition by performing in a marquee这句话中带出来,同学们都知道答案是marquee,问题是,marquee对应的究竟是三个选项中的哪一个?很多同学就这么慌了神,错过了后面的内容。
其实,如果同学们能够牢记雅思的考察要点,细心大胆地等待后面的内容:which is really like a canvas portable building, usually put up in a green space or car park, rather than in a theatre or stadium.就一定可以分析出答案是B,帐篷。
具体分析来看,我们至少有三个方法推断出答案:首要,根据听力的解释说明原则,后面句子说marquee是一个帆布的,可以动的,通常可以架在一片绿地上或者是停车场上,那么这个答案就是帐篷无疑了;或者,也可以利用所谓的“答案不明说,明说不答案”的原则,清楚明白地读出来的一定不是答案,可以排除theatre和stadium,更何况theatre和stadium前面还有一个表示否定的rather than呢;再或者,考生如果能抓到前面的as this is a traveling circus,从一个traveling当中也可以大胆推测出,这个马戏团是在帐篷中演出的。
absence consequence flexible work pattern accident conservation scheme flour outlet accommodation consistent growth fluid mechanics accountable constant temperature food allergies acknowledgement constructionmaterial food environment administration contact food intake administrative contaminants football fan admission contract footwear aerial photographs contribution forest valley campsite aggressive contributory forestry agricultural cookery book formal language ancestor cooking process fossil fuels ancient mirror cord fossils ancient shells core fountain animal competition core food discipline free caring annual fee cosmetics free entry antenna cost of fuel free parking application fee costume party free repair approach countryside living freedom apron critic fresh meat archaeological sites crops friction ash cuisine festivals friendship aspirin cupboard frozen food athlete currency problem fruit growing athletic current position frustration attitude current subject fuel audio recording cutting cost fuel consumption authority daily routine full-time officers automatic damp function automatic gear type damp soil fund avenue of flags dance course fund raising background music dance show garden materials background reading defects in products gardening bad surroundings definition gas station balcony degradation gas tank bananas delivery note gear bank account delivery type genders bark demonstration generalization baseball coach density geographers basin department stores glass mirrors battle deposit global management beach liens desert locations global market behavior=behavior detached house global products beneficial determination global roaming service binoculars dialogue gloves bins diet gold coast biography different weather conditions gold mine biological activity digestive good advertising biology dinosaur graffiti bird park diploma grain shatter bird’s nest diploma course grammar bladders disciplinary measures grams blood system discount card grape body fluids discussion grateful bookshelf discussion growth spurts bookshop dishwasher guided walking tour brick making dismiss gym bright clothes dismissal habitat bronze disorders habitat budge activity ditch habitat bulb diving hairdresser bumble bee documentary hallway bus tour documentation hammer business management documents health department butterfly dolphin health inquiry butterfly species dominance healthy choices cabin double layer glass healthy diet calculation dramatic effect heart rate monitor calendar drawbacks heavy items calorie drinks and flowers hectares camel driving diary helmet camp tent durable hibernate campaign duration high absence rate camping information dweller high protection candle easier access historical fans Cantonese eating pattern hive car club economic wealth home welcome car wash ecosystem horsehair career perspective electronic cars hostel career prospect electronically hot spring case management employees’ motivation household categories energy efficient human activities cattle engine types human interference causes and effects engineer company humidity cautious engineering hunting skill cautious languages entertainment ice pack cave entrances enthusiastic ice rink celebrations entry level ideal cellulose erosion imaginable centralization Eskimo implement certificate essay writing incubator champion evidence of currency indication chandelier excellent vision indicator changing room exhibition influential chemical compound exotic information display chemical level exotic species ingredients chess exposure initials chimpanzees extensive educational activities innocence choice of modules exterior innovation cinema versions external factors innovative citizens extinct insect clear structure extinct insufficient closure inquiry extinction insufficient banknote coastal moa extra income insulation coffee table fabric insurance collection time facilities international chef college ground factors international reputation color blind failure internet access commercial fair interpreter commodity falling sales interruption communication skills family photo interview time community family relationship fee invalid community family ticket type invasion community center famous concert inventor comparison farmhouse investment competition farmland irrigation competitors fault jam complex feeding time jewelry composers fertilizer joke comprehensive fiancée journalism compressed air fiber diet judo compulsory field note jungle concentration financial loss juniors concern financial planning kangaroo concrete fishery kidney problems cone head fishery lab work confusing fishing licenses label congestion flesh labor labor photograph exhibition specialized software labor cost photography species labor-consuming photography record specific domestic work landscape physical condition speech landscape piano sperm language barriers picking fruit sprain Latin plastic bottle squirrel laundry plate safety shield stable Law Department ploughs staff parking layout polytechnic stage-set leaflet pond standard leaking pipes pony riding statistics legal legislation porcelain steady legal requirement portable steel lemon and orange postal by mail stick librarian pot sticks library books poverty storage licence=license practical work storage life span predator stout-legged moa lighting pre-existing health conditions stress limitation pregnant stripe literature preservation studio local demand previous lectures stuff local river prime motivation stylish local school stadium problem solving subjective local stadium problem solving summer clothes locomotive engines production suncream logo professionals sunglasses low salary program assessment surface lowest carbon emission prolific surprising maintenance equipment proof sustainable planting process management strategies proofreading swimming coach manipulation proposal tap water manpower proposed report teaching quality marine plants prospect team building Mars protection teapot massage protective clothing technical errors maximum public sectors technician measuring equipment public transport teenagers medical applications punctual teenagers medical insurance purchase teenagers medical purpose pyramid temperature medical stitches qualification tent medium qualifications term meetings quantity testimony message quiz test textbook metallurgy radio textile microscope random sample theme midnight flights ratio theoretical dialogue minority reading frequency thriving missed appointment realism toads missed work reconstruction toleration mite recruitment department tomb raider model guide recycled pens tools for garden modern language reflective tortoise modern usage refreshment and souvenir tour guide monthly magazines refreshments town motivation refrigerator traditional definition mud registration fee traffic circulation multimedia materials regular exercises train station museum archives regulation training courses national holiday regulation training program nationality regulator transition zone caves natural relationship transportation cost natural gas relevant skills trays nature reserve relevant working experience truck licence=license necklace representative trunk load nerve reputation tutorial New Year’s Day reputation tutorial niece request twilight nomad clothing research fund umbrella notice board reservoir underground nutrient resources room uneven path nutshell responsibility unfurnished apartment obesity restriction uniform costume objective restroom upper level objective return-work interview upset employees observation reusable bag validity observer rivals valuable obvious road sign valve occasional role language van occupational therapy Roman coins variables off-peak Roman invasion vegetation oil filter roof venue old ruins 废墟 room upgrade vertical operation rubber vibration oral expression rubbish video camera oral presentation rural area video clip order contract sales technology video recording order form salt concentration virus organic food salt tablet vision organic food vegetable salt trade visitor center organization=organisation sand base vocal orientation sauna vocational course orientation session school gym voicemail original vacuum problem scientific evidence volunteers originates sea floor voting outcomes security voting ages outdoor activities selective course waitress outdoor programs self assessment waitress overseas expansion opportunities semi-synthesized materials wallet overseas team sensitive warning signs oxygen shampoo warnings packaging shell and nail water fee parachute shipping water quality participation side door water temperature partly side gate waterfall partner sightseeing website passion simplified language wedding passport skating boards weekly assignments pasture ski resort well-equipped suite payment sleeping bag whales payment basis slug wild animal population peak season small taxi hiring wild flower peas snack kit wind shade peers snails windmills performance software window glass performance soil samples windsurfing performance script soldiers wing bones permanent sound quality witness report permanent records source of information womb permanently spa wood carving permission special advice wood cover Persian dye special ingredients woodland personal tutor system specialist staffs workforce personal tutor system specialized expert working hours personnel worms phone interviews specialized microscope wreckage
新闻资讯/2023-05-30 -
《遇见》是电影《向左走,向右走》的主题曲,是由易家扬作词,林一峰作曲,孙燕姿演唱的歌曲。收录于2003年8月1日发行的'《TheMoment》专辑中。这次白话文为您整理了孙燕姿遇见歌词优秀5篇,如果能帮助到您,小编的一切努力都是值得的。 孙燕姿heyjude歌词
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庾澄庆的遇见歌词 篇一 庾澄庆的遇见歌词 庾澄庆的遇见歌词 听见冬天的离开 我在某年某月醒过来 我想我等我期待 未来却不能理智安排 阴天傍晚车窗外 未来有一个人在等待 向左向右向前看 爱要拐几个弯才来 我遇见谁会有怎样的对白 我等的人他在多远的未来 我
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《你快回来》是大陆歌手孙楠1999年3月演唱的歌曲(代表作),歌曲的歌词令人心怡,极富内涵。下面是小编精心为大家整理的孙楠你快回来歌词簇新2篇,如果对您有一些参考与帮助,请分享给超卓的朋友。 孙楠歌曲《你快回来》歌词 篇一 没有你 世界寸步难行 我困在
新闻资讯/2023-05-30 -
《断了的弦》是由方文山作词,周杰伦作曲并演唱的一首歌曲,收录于周杰伦2003年11月11日发行的专辑《寻找周杰伦》中。白话文的小编精心为您带来了断了的弦歌词优秀3篇,希望能够帮助到大家。 周杰伦断了的弦歌词歌曲鉴赏 篇一 《断了的弦》是周杰伦制作的专
新闻资讯/2023-05-30 -
散文,汉语词汇。一指文采焕发;二指犹行文;三指文体名。随着时代的发展,散文的概念由广义向狭义转变,并受到西方文化的影响。下面是小编辛苦为大家带来的母爱的散文簇新10篇,如果对您有一些参考与帮助,请分享给超卓的朋友。 母爱的散文 篇一 这天,我在
新闻资讯/2023-05-30 -
在日常的学习、工作、生活中,大家都写过散文吗?散文是一种抒发作者真情实感、写作方式灵活的记叙类文学体裁。什么样的散文才是真正的好散文呢?这次白话文为您整理了我是一朵格桑花散文优秀2篇,希望大家可以喜欢并分享出去。 我是一朵格桑花散文 篇一 秋
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在学习、工作中,大家总少不了接触论文吧,论文是学术界进行成果交流的工具。怎么写论文才能避免踩雷呢?下面是小编精心为大家整理的哲学与人生的思考论文【优秀3篇】,如果能帮助到您,小编的一切努力都是值得的。 解析哲学与人生的关系论文 篇一 我们现在
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姑娘漂亮是何勇演唱的',歌曲非常好听,下面是白话文的小编为您带来的姑娘漂亮歌词-何勇(2篇),如果对您有一些参考与帮助,请分享给超卓的朋友。 歌曲歌词 篇一 姑娘姑娘你漂亮漂亮 警察警察你拿着手枪 你说要汽车你说要洋房 我不能偷也不能抢 我只有一张
新闻资讯/2023-05-30 -
心理健康教育不仅有利于预防心理疾病,消除心理障碍,而且有利于大学生的良好品质的发展。接下来为大家介绍大学生心理健康论文500字文章,仅供参考!这次白话文为您整理了大学生的心理健康论文通用10篇,希望能够帮助到大家。 大学生心理健康教育论文 篇一 1