经常有考生说自己回答的过程被考官打断,那么如何回答能让考官有兴趣听下去呢?今天小编给大家带来了怎么样让你的回答有吸引力 ,希望能够帮助到大家,下面小编就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。
----用反意疑问句, 或者问GZ" do you think so?" GZ肯定会做礼貌性的回答.这样是增加了你和GZ的互动.
----语调一定要抑扬顿挫,不要平铺直叙. 尽量用带有丰富感情色彩的词语,如" it would be bloody fantastic!!" " oh my gosh!!!" 等. 随着内容的变化,还可以相应的做点表情,叹叹气什么的.
----"总编",意思就是总是在编. GZ注意的是你的speaking 能力, 而不会过多的关注你的内容. 比如讲time&watch topic的时候,你可以现场把自己的手表拿给他/她看,"you know, besides its lovely appearance and cool functions, this watch has special meaning to me. My gandma bought it from Rome for me."然后再编点你和grandma感情怎样好啊,你有一次因为不准时而差点犯下大错啊等等。GZ顿时会感到你的speaking不是那么boring,然后也会听的津津有味。 撒谎吧,在这里是允许的。
Describe a piece of clothing that someone gave you.
what it was
when you received it
who gave it to you
and explain if this gift was important to you.
I have got a beautiful suite from my dad marking my 20th birthday this year. It was a nicely made suit with the finest clothing. The fabric was attractive and the colour was impressive. I felt lucky to have that on my share.
I received the suit on the evening before my birthday party began. My dad rushed to the home and asked me to meet him in his room. I knew that he was trying to surprise me with something. But I did not understand that this would be a nice piece of a suit. In fact, it was out of my idea that he would bring the suit for me. I did not know how he got the measurement of my body as the suit took me in perfectly. My father is an interesting man. He loves to surprise people. But most of the time, the people – whom he is trying to surprise, get ideas about the surprise. So, he is unable to surprise them in most of the cases. But in this case, I was really surprised and my dad was happy to complete his mission. He gave me the costume and it cost him a lot, I know.
Of course, it was an extraordinary gift to me. It was from my father whom I adore the most in my life. Besides, it was my birthday gift from him. So, definitely, this was an important gift for me. Moreover, the suit was made of the colour I really like. It was dark blue and sewed from a renowned and specialized tailor of the city. I have been using the suit to attend formal occasions and take the right care of it.
Describe a family that you like (not your own).
How do you know this family?
How much time do you spend with this family?
Why do you like it?
I will talk about my best friend Amit’s family. I have known them for ten years now. I met Amit at college. He was a fun-loving person and soon we became great friends. His home was near our college. As my family lived in another town at that time, I was staying in the hostel. I had some good friends in the hostel but I hated the food they served. Amit knew this. He would frequently invite me to his home. His mother is a kind woman. She is very caring and affectionate. Whenever I visited them she would prepare my favourite dishes and serve them with great love. I found my own mother in her. I also enjoy a great relationship with Amit’s father. He is a retired engineer. We both share the same passion for cricket and electronics. Amit has an elder brother who works in Germany. I have met him only a couple of times and on all those occasions he was extremely cordial. He is like an elder brother to me. Amit now lives in the Middle East and I am in Singapore. We still talk to each other on phone but I haven’t seen him in a year or so. However, I make it a point to visit his parents whenever I am in Bangalore. They are like my own family to me and have always treated me as their own son.
Describe a piece of local news that people were interested in.
You should say:
what it was about
when you heard/ read about it
what the story was
and explain why it was interesting to you.
I came across this intriguing article in a newspaper I read at my school’s library. It involved how positive attitudes have greatly affected people?s success, based on the story of how alocal woman had never given up her dream and had now become a world-famous novelist.
According to the news story, optimistic people are more likely to be successful. Since they look at the bright side, their lives are always full of enjoyment. Therefore, when running intoproblems, optimists try their best to work out solutions. This leads them to great achievements. In contrast, pessimistic people tend to act negatively, which not only puts them under a lot of strain, but also has a bad impact on their performance and people around them.
Since I read this news, I have tried to maintain positive attitudes about everything. Whenever I fail to do something, I will not blame myself but work harder to overcome such failure. I hope that, like this woman, everybody can learn to be optimistic about whatever situationthey face.
Describe a smartphone APP that you think is useful.
You should say:
what the app it is
what contents it has
how do you use it
and explain why you think this app is useful.
The App I would recommend is called Instapaper, which you can download from Apple Store.
Instapaper is one of those tools you didn’t know you needed until you use it. It’s my latest go-to tool for remembering and organizing what I want to read. I think this is useful coz I always find myself browsing the web and happening upon a story or two that I definitely want to read, but for whatever reason I just cannot read it at that particular moment. Most of this resort to saving it as a bookmark so you can read it later. But bookmarks are difficult to access on multiple computers.
Instapaper allows you to easily save them for later, when you do have time, so you don’t just forget about them or skim through them. While you’re browsing the web, when you find something you want to remember to read later to click a little icon in your web browser toolbar. That saves all of the text of the article. That’s Instapaper: the critically acclaimed, award-winning app to read web pages on the go, in the air, or on the couch.
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